Tea Room


The Style Acre charity tearoom is a social enterprise that provides working opportunities for adults with learning disabilities and Autism. 

Every day, the people Style Acre support come to work in the tearoom, make friends, learn skills, and get involved. Everyone is part of the team, and it couldn’t be done without the help from volunteers, support workers, staff and leaders.  Each person at the tearoom is an integral part of its success, including our customers.  We could not do, what we do, without them.

Open for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea, with cakes and drinks available all day and weekly specials, Style Acre uses local suppliers to provide great quality food and drink, from Horsebox Coffee in Brightwell cum Sotwell, Calnans butcher in Watlington and the Artisan bakery in Wantage. All the cakes are baked by supported bakers at the community hub in Didcot.

The tearoom is just one of Style Acre's social enterprises.  Others include a charity shop in Wallingford, an eco-medal making group in Banbury, a shop online enterprise in Didcot and a garden maintenance service.  Every enterprise offers a varied and valuable opportunity to learn and grow.

Giving back to your community by volunteering always makes you feel good, and Style Acre have lots of volunteers who give a little or a lot of their time to help.  If this is something you would consider, please get in touch.

For more information, please visit www.styleacre.org.uk or call the tea room on 01235 850912.